Precision Garage Door of South Jersey
Has Received 1 Review in:
Average Rating: 4.00
Garage Door Repair
Vincentown, NJ
My wife and I felt the technician was courteous and knowledgable and provided excellent service. The Price of the work is severely overpriced. I understand the quality of the product is the reason for the price, but the company should provide a lower cost option. Especially since there are much less expensive products on the market.
Patrick Callahan
Patrick Callahan, Thank you for taking the time to respond to our customer satisfaction survey. At Precision Door Service we strive for 100% customer satisfaction. When this is not achieved we review all aspects of the customer's experience to see what we could have done differently. We not only provide our customers with the highest quality parts, but we also have the best warranties in the business. We will review this invoice and make sure we are staying competitive while providing our customers with this level of service. Thank you again for your business.
The Precision Team
Service Provided:
Garage Door Repair
With 110,527 Reviews
For this location's local site visit:
This location is owned and operated by:
Anthony Castiglione
Precision Overhead Garage Door Service
1998 Springdale Rd, Suite #104Cherry Hill NJ, 08003