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How to Level a Garage Door



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How to Level a Garage Door

If you've ever experienced the frustration of dealing with a garage door that closes unevenly, you're not alone. Many homeowners face the struggle of operating an unleveled garage door. Fortunately, with our experts' advice, you don't have to go another day dreading the simple act of opening and closing your garage door.

In this guide, we'll review how to level a garage door, why garage door leveling matters, and more.

The Step-by-Step Guide on How to Level a Garage Door

Before beginning any work on your garage door, your garage door service professional must first determine the reason for your door's imbalance to repair it in the safest and most effective manner. For instance, if a frayed cable is causing the imbalance, it will need to be replaced — a risky process even for a professional. That process would be much different from adjusting your garage door rollers, for example, and may not require the replacement of any parts.

Below are steps a garage door professional will execute to assess and fix the imbalance in your garage door. However, it's ultimately best to take the advice of your local service professional, who has the knowledge and experience to tailor this procedure to your garage system's needs. Do not attempt to carry out these steps yourself as this can result in damage or injury.

  1. Close your garage door before turning off your door opener's power supply. This ensures that the door doesn't move during the leveling process.
  2. Check the garage door tracks for any dents or bends. Using a level, verify that the tracks are straight.
  3. Ensure that your cable drum screws have the appropriate amount of tightness. Your garage door professional will be precise during this step. Tightening the screws too much or too little can cause the cable drums to eventually fall, making your garage door drop suddenly while in the open position. Your garage door professional may also adjust the cable on your cable drums during this step.
  4. Adjust the tension in your garage door springs. This is also a dangerous step, and requires the attention of a trained garage door service professional.
  5. Modify your garage door roller placement if necessary. This can be achieved by loosening the screws holding the rollers and adjusting the rollers' position.
  6. Test your garage door by first restoring power to the garage door opener. Then open and close your door to ensure it's leveled.

Your service professional may omit some of these steps if they’re able to determine the problem quickly. Regardless of the outcome of your service visit, knowing how to level a garage door properly sets you and your garage door service professional up for a successful repair.

Signs of An Unleveled Garage Door

So, how do you know that your garage door is unleveled? Luckily, a garage door's imbalance is usually either visible or audible.

Here are some definite signs that you need professional garage door leveling services:

  • Visible gaps or crookedness: When you close your garage door, is there a gap between the ground and your door? Does your door seem to be crooked? These may be signs that it's time to get it checked by a professional.
  • Noisiness: Although a noisy garage door can be indicative of many things, strange noises when it's sliding along the track are a sign of possible misalignment.
  • Difficulty opening or closing your garage door: If you see your garage door jerk or hesitate when opening or closing, a door imbalance could be the culprit.

Why Having a Level Garage Door Matters

Having a leveled garage door helps to ensure the longevity of your garage door system. Most importantly, it helps to keep you and the occupants of your home safe.

Overall, a balanced garage door provides:

  • Safety from the risk of your door falling suddenly
  • Longevity due to an even distribution of weight on all garage door components
  • Aesthetic appeal that creates the appearance of a well-manicured home
  • Reduced noise when your door is in operation
  • Security from outdoor pests and other intruders

Even if your garage door is only slightly off-kilter, there's no guarantee it'll stay that way. It's best to treat an unleveled garage door right away to prevent bigger problems down the road.

FAQ About Garage Door Leveling

How do you fix an uneven garage door gap?

To fix an uneven door gap, it's essential to identify the reason for your door's misalignment. Uneven gaps can be indicative of issues such as track and roller misalignment. Worn weatherstripping can also create gaps at the edges of your garage door.

Do not attempt to determine the problem on your own as this can lead to damage or safety issues. For an accurate assessment, contact a garage door professional. They will devise a solution that's specific to your garage door system.

How do you adjust a crooked garage door?

To adjust a crooked garage door, a professional must first identify the cause. Possible reasons for garage door misalignment include:

  • Bends or dents on the garage door track
  • Loose screws on hinges and rollers
  • Incorrect tension on the torsion spring system

Contact a garage door professional to assess the cause and receive a detailed solution that suits your needs.

Let Precision Garage Door Service™ Level Your Garage Door

Although it might seem as though you could level a garage door on your own, you should not attempt this. Determining the cause and proper solution requires an expert. Call the experts at Precision Garage Door Service™. We will ensure that your garage door is safely balanced and properly functioning.

For more information about our garage door leveling services, contact the Precision Garage Door Service professional nearest you.

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