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A Look at Coastal Garage Doors: Selections & Considerations



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A Look at Coastal Garage Doors: Selections & Considerations

Coastal living offers a unique blend of natural beauty and the allure of the sea, but also presents distinctive challenges, including exposure to salt, humidity, and strong coastal winds. To meet these challenges while preserving the charm and aesthetic of coastal architecture, homeowners often turn to coastal garage doors.

In this guide, we explore some important facets of coastal garage doors by discussing:

9 Characteristics of Coastal Garage Doors

Coastal garage doors are known for their aesthetic appeal and protective abilities. Built to withstand the demands of seaside regions, they have specific characteristics that make them the best garage doors for coastal areas. Here, we explore what makes these doors so unique.

1. Rust-resistant Material

Coastal garage doors are typically made from aluminum or galvanized steel to minimize the corrosive effects of salt water (more on this later).

2. High-quality Finish

A premium finish serves as additional protection against corrosive outdoor elements and improves the appearance of your garage door.

3. Wind Resistance

These garage doors are made to resist stronger-than-normal winds. Depending on the door's wind code rating, some coastal garage doors can withstand winds up to 200mph.

4. Impact Resistance

Coastal garage doors are constructed with heavy-duty components made to endure hard impact from heavy objects.

5. Waterproof Seals

In the event of a water-related natural disaster, special garage door seals help prevent your garage from flooding.

6. Maximum Ventilation

Many coastal garage doors have added ventilation to prevent humidity buildup.

7. Insulation

Depending on their climate, some homeowners may not want an insulated garage. However, for those who do, insulation options help with temperature control.

8. Multiple Design Options

Coastal garage doors come in a myriad of styles to complement the architecture of a coastal home. They can also be accessorized with accents such as garage door windows or unique handles.

9. Warranty Options

Many coastal doors come with an extended warranty. For more information on your garage door's warranty, contact the manufacturer.

Coastal Garage Door Material Types

One of the most important qualities of coastal garage doors is their durability. These doors must withstand high-impact, strong-wind events such as hurricanes. That's why they are constructed with durable materials that protect your garage and belongings.

Take a look at the key attributes of each material:

Aluminum Coastal Garage Doors

These doors are rust-resistant and can be engineered to withstand high impacts. They are also lightweight and low-maintenance, making them a popular choice for those living on the coast.

Steel Coastal Garage Doors

Best known for their durability and customization options, steel garage doors are among the best garage doors for coastal areas. Although steel is not naturally rust-resistant, it can be coated or finished to resist corrosion.

Fiberglass Coastal Garage Doors

Fiberglass garage doors are lightweight yet highly durable. Not only can they sustain high-speed winds, but they also are made to withstand frequent saltwater exposure.

Vinyl Coastal Garage Doors

Vinyl garage doors do not rot, rust, or corrode, making them ideal for coastal homes.

FAQ about Coastal Garage Doors

How do I maintain my coastal garage door?

If you want your coastal garage door to last, it's essential to keep it properly maintained. Here are some key maintenance tips:

  • Regular cleaning with water and a mild soap
  • Inspection for wear and tear
  • Check weatherstripping and seals to ensure tightness
  • Properly align doors for high wind impact
  • Inspect for corrosion and rust to ensure protection
  1. Regular Cleaning: Salt, sand, and humidity can accumulate on the garage door's surface over time. To prevent corrosion and maintain its appearance, clean the door periodically. Use a mild detergent and water to remove salt deposits, dirt, and other debris. Rinse thoroughly and dry the door.
  2. Inspect and Lubricate Hardware: Regularly inspect the hardware, including the hinges, springs, and tracks. Look for signs of rust or wear and tear. Lubricate moving parts with a garage door lubricant to prevent friction and ensure smooth operation.
  3. Check Weatherstripping and Seals: The weatherstripping and seals on your garage door play a vital role in keeping out moisture, drafts, and pests. Inspect them for any damage or gaps and replace them as needed to maintain an airtight seal.
  4. Ensure Proper Alignment: Coastal areas may experience strong winds, which can affect the alignment of your garage door. Regularly check the door's alignment and have it professionally adjusted if necessary to ensure it opens and closes smoothly.
  5. Inspect for Corrosion: Coastal garage doors should be designed to resist corrosion, but it's essential to watch for any signs of rust. If you notice corrosion, address it promptly by removing the affected area, applying a rust-resistant coating, and repainting as necessary.
  6. Schedule Professional Maintenance: It's a good practice to schedule annual or bi-annual professional maintenance checks. Garage door technicians are trained to identify potential problems early and make any necessary adjustments or repairs.

Are there specific building codes for coastal garage doors?

Yes, there are often specific building codes and regulations that apply to coastal garage doors. These codes are implemented to ensure the safety and security of homes in areas prone to severe coastal weather conditions, including hurricanes, high winds, and saltwater exposure.

The building codes typically cover various aspects related to garage doors in coastal regions, including:

  • Wind Resistance: Coastal areas are susceptible to strong winds during storms and hurricanes. As a result, building codes often have requirements for the wind resistance of garage doors. These codes specify the minimum wind load rating that a coastal garage door must meet to withstand the forces of strong winds.
  • Materials and Corrosion Resistance: Building codes may also outline the materials suitable for coastal garage doors. This includes rust and corrosion-resistant materials, as saltwater exposure can rapidly deteriorate certain materials. Coastal garage doors are often required to use materials such as steel, aluminum, fiberglass, vinyl, or composites that are less prone to corrosion.
  • Elevation Requirements: In some coastal regions, building codes may mandate specific elevations for garage doors to minimize the risk of flooding and storm surge damage. Elevating the garage door may involve the use of flood-resistant materials and designs.
  • Impact Resistance: Some coastal building codes include provisions for impact resistance. Garage doors may need to withstand impacts from debris during storms, ensuring the safety and protection of the property and its occupants.
  • Inspection and Certification: To ensure compliance with these codes, garage doors may need to be inspected and certified by a qualified professional, particularly in high-risk coastal zones. This ensures that the door meets the specified requirements.

Consulting with a local garage door professional who is familiar with the specific requirements in your region can help ensure that your coastal garage door meets the necessary building code standards.